James Ferrell

Web Designer

You know how you like legos and video games? Well, web design is somewhere in between those two things.

Amanda Tramont

Account Manager

I would tell my 5-year-old self that as an account manager, you should always be nice, smile even when you're mad, and keep your promises.

Carolyn Rodgers

Graphic Designer

It's like I make my own puzzle. I figure out how things like letters and shapes look, then play with how the pieces will fit together.

Jeff Berman


You know how you love to use new ideas to solve problems? Now you get to do that all day, every day. And you get to pick who you do it with.

Erin Eby


You get to use art as a tool to get people to feel and do things. Also, free M&Ms.

Next up:
What's one thing a teacher or mentor told you before college that you use in your work every day?